Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tomorrow's Sign, Persent Today - Part 11


We are today living in the day of judgment and all things that have been kept under cover must be exposed, as the Bible states in the Book of Mark (Forth Chapter) referring to the parable of the mustard seed. This is the day truths come forth and though truth may have been buried deep there can no longer be a hiding of it, for this day, falsehoods are uncovered and revealed by the light of truth. Let us continue with some other misnomers, if you choose to think of them in that manner, and believe, they are not accidental or mistakenly presented to the world in the way they are presented, taught, lead, guided or represented to be perceived or believed. We've shared that Adam and Eve were not the first people on the planet as it is falsely taught. The first people were none other than the Blackman and Blackwoman, the biological parents of all people on the planet (Brown, Yellow, Red and so-called White). I don't think at this point that you are surprised, but are now desiring more evidence to verify the possibility of this being an actual fact. The answer to the truth of such a statement has been before you all alone. The state of mind the world, in general has been directed is as was stated earlier, away from truth and reality (based on math and science). The misnomers or out right lies have been permitted in order that the dominion by Adam and Eve, after their making might set up with permission, a new and unalike world to rule according to the mindset of their makers. It is well known by scientist that all people of color have both the dominant (black, stronger) gene and the recessive (brown, weaker) gene. The degree of the dominant or/and recessive is determined by the distant away from the Original Man (Blackman) who is the base man. Think that over, there is more too come.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 10

As-Salaam- Alaikum.
The information that we are relaying is truly different from that which we are usually exposed to or have been exposed to, but truthfully speaking it can not be ignored. Even if this is your first exposure to this information, it gives cause for consideration. If these teaching are true, and they truly are, then what must one do? What changes and actions must result as a result of the revealing of such information? The reality is, each person must react according to their own determinations having considered the information presented. One thing is certain, having been exposed to this information, one can not eliminate it from the mind whether one acts on it or not. This information is life changing. It will forever effect your thoughts and actions where this information is concerned. We will continue to expound on these teachings as we continue. You are invited to continue to follow this blog in order to learn more of what has been given by the one who is the Lamb of God, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. If you do not, then the effects having been exposed will remain embedded.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 9

As we continue to dig deeper into the wisdom and knowledge being provided to us we have caused to reconsider much of what has been taught reference Bible interpretations. It is clear that what has been given is for a purpose but, the intent behind the purpose has been concealed. We have been taught that a man was made, given dominion and instructed to multiply and replenish the earth. This could only be done if the present population is removed from their dominant positions and this new man is allowed to have that seat. The present teachings of scripture and its interpretation along with the ways, actions and mindset of this new man are the reasons this new (lesser) man has been able to rule. Keep in mind that the time for this substitute was limited to six days (6,000 years) as stated in Exodus and Deuteronomy. According to the signs and prophesies we have come to the end of the rulership of the people made in Genesis (Bible). The fact that we are now enjoying this new knowledge is more evidence of this truth. Prophesy foretells the ending of that newly made man and his world (Genesis 2:1). Today we are witnessing its fall and the restoration of the world of righteousness. Praise be to Allah, Lord of The Worlds.