Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tomorow's Signs, Present Today, Part 12


As we continue with the making of a new man (Adam and Eve) we want to go into just a little of the method used to produce him. First, this is a scientific process by which the manifestation of the recessive gene is pushed to it's last stage. This is done through a grafting process. It involves first knowing that there are two genes contained in the original man (Blackman) that can be separated and manifested as a human being having no dominate traits (genes). We find that a birth control method is the way to produce the end product. The Black man has both the dominant and the recessive genes naturally and passes both to his off springs in tact, and is shown in the complexion color and manners (ways,and actions) of the off springs. The lighter of the two can be mated to produce an even lighter off spring. As this patten is continued, the recessive is reflected in both the color, being lighter, and the lessening and eventual elimination of the dominant genes (darker) traits all together. The finial form will be totally recessive. Today this new man is known as the so-called "White man". These experiments are of-times preformed with plants and animals as preformed by the Augustinian priest ans scientist Gregor Mendel. The process is referred to as Grafting. Prior to the work of producing this new man, only the original man and members of his family exsisted. All men Black, Brown, Red and Yellow are members of the Original Family. The White man is the "odd fellow". The production of this new man also produced what are called "Races" which occurred after the mixing of the White man with members of the Original Family. Now some of you have learned your orgins. The book says, "Honor you mother and father that your days may be longer...".