Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Muhammad's Newsletter vol 9#9

ASA. Here is the latest issue of the newsletter. a new issue od the Original Nation Magazine is also available ,$7.00 shipping included. call MTI #24 at 804-649-7104 to order your copy.
Bro. Hakeem, Sec. MTI #24

Sunday, July 5, 2015


As-Salaam-Alaikum.  Here is Vol 9#8. Be enlightened.
Bro. Hakeem Muhammad, Sec. MTI #24

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Muhammad's Newsletter Vol 9#4

ASA. Brothers and Sisters, here is the new issue if the Muhammad's Newsletter.  Listen to Muhammad's Speaks on Sundays at 11:30 AM. Link the radio broadcast on the web at
Bro. Sec. Hakeem Muhammad, MTI 24

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Muhammad's Newsletter Vol 9 #3

As-Salaam-Alaikum.  Here is the latest issue of our newsletter.  Join us for our Saviour's Day activities on Feb. 25 & 26 at the Hyatt Place Hotel 4401 S. Laburnum Ave. Richmond, Va. Flyer attached.
ASA. Bro Hakeem