Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tomorow's Signs, Present Today, Part 12


As we continue with the making of a new man (Adam and Eve) we want to go into just a little of the method used to produce him. First, this is a scientific process by which the manifestation of the recessive gene is pushed to it's last stage. This is done through a grafting process. It involves first knowing that there are two genes contained in the original man (Blackman) that can be separated and manifested as a human being having no dominate traits (genes). We find that a birth control method is the way to produce the end product. The Black man has both the dominant and the recessive genes naturally and passes both to his off springs in tact, and is shown in the complexion color and manners (ways,and actions) of the off springs. The lighter of the two can be mated to produce an even lighter off spring. As this patten is continued, the recessive is reflected in both the color, being lighter, and the lessening and eventual elimination of the dominant genes (darker) traits all together. The finial form will be totally recessive. Today this new man is known as the so-called "White man". These experiments are of-times preformed with plants and animals as preformed by the Augustinian priest ans scientist Gregor Mendel. The process is referred to as Grafting. Prior to the work of producing this new man, only the original man and members of his family exsisted. All men Black, Brown, Red and Yellow are members of the Original Family. The White man is the "odd fellow". The production of this new man also produced what are called "Races" which occurred after the mixing of the White man with members of the Original Family. Now some of you have learned your orgins. The book says, "Honor you mother and father that your days may be longer...".

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Tomorrow's Sign, Persent Today - Part 11


We are today living in the day of judgment and all things that have been kept under cover must be exposed, as the Bible states in the Book of Mark (Forth Chapter) referring to the parable of the mustard seed. This is the day truths come forth and though truth may have been buried deep there can no longer be a hiding of it, for this day, falsehoods are uncovered and revealed by the light of truth. Let us continue with some other misnomers, if you choose to think of them in that manner, and believe, they are not accidental or mistakenly presented to the world in the way they are presented, taught, lead, guided or represented to be perceived or believed. We've shared that Adam and Eve were not the first people on the planet as it is falsely taught. The first people were none other than the Blackman and Blackwoman, the biological parents of all people on the planet (Brown, Yellow, Red and so-called White). I don't think at this point that you are surprised, but are now desiring more evidence to verify the possibility of this being an actual fact. The answer to the truth of such a statement has been before you all alone. The state of mind the world, in general has been directed is as was stated earlier, away from truth and reality (based on math and science). The misnomers or out right lies have been permitted in order that the dominion by Adam and Eve, after their making might set up with permission, a new and unalike world to rule according to the mindset of their makers. It is well known by scientist that all people of color have both the dominant (black, stronger) gene and the recessive (brown, weaker) gene. The degree of the dominant or/and recessive is determined by the distant away from the Original Man (Blackman) who is the base man. Think that over, there is more too come.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 10

As-Salaam- Alaikum.
The information that we are relaying is truly different from that which we are usually exposed to or have been exposed to, but truthfully speaking it can not be ignored. Even if this is your first exposure to this information, it gives cause for consideration. If these teaching are true, and they truly are, then what must one do? What changes and actions must result as a result of the revealing of such information? The reality is, each person must react according to their own determinations having considered the information presented. One thing is certain, having been exposed to this information, one can not eliminate it from the mind whether one acts on it or not. This information is life changing. It will forever effect your thoughts and actions where this information is concerned. We will continue to expound on these teachings as we continue. You are invited to continue to follow this blog in order to learn more of what has been given by the one who is the Lamb of God, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. If you do not, then the effects having been exposed will remain embedded.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 9

As we continue to dig deeper into the wisdom and knowledge being provided to us we have caused to reconsider much of what has been taught reference Bible interpretations. It is clear that what has been given is for a purpose but, the intent behind the purpose has been concealed. We have been taught that a man was made, given dominion and instructed to multiply and replenish the earth. This could only be done if the present population is removed from their dominant positions and this new man is allowed to have that seat. The present teachings of scripture and its interpretation along with the ways, actions and mindset of this new man are the reasons this new (lesser) man has been able to rule. Keep in mind that the time for this substitute was limited to six days (6,000 years) as stated in Exodus and Deuteronomy. According to the signs and prophesies we have come to the end of the rulership of the people made in Genesis (Bible). The fact that we are now enjoying this new knowledge is more evidence of this truth. Prophesy foretells the ending of that newly made man and his world (Genesis 2:1). Today we are witnessing its fall and the restoration of the world of righteousness. Praise be to Allah, Lord of The Worlds.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 8

Let us examine the last question first. "Was Adam and Eve really the first man and woman made by God?" The answer is yes. But to simply answer, yes does not give a concise and precise answer. We are here to enlighten in a manner that will cause an explosion in thought. This means that the information being brought forth from the teachings of Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, God in Person, to His Last Messenger, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad will awaken all who hear them to truths. Truths that were prophesied to be revealed in the last days of the rulership of Satan. Truths that have been hidden. Adam and Eve were indeed the first to be made, however we have been mislead in the proper understanding of this. Adam and Eve were made, not created. This means that something was produced from something and not brought into existence from "nothing". "Let us make man" is what is stated, "In our image and after our likeness". "Us and Our" are plural and indicate more than one. Here we have persons who are considering doing a particular work. The "image and likeness" is of God along with those who have joined him in the work of making man. Think that over. The man being made can not be an original man because the man to be made is patterned after a man that already exist. This means that the new man that is to be made is to not "Man", but a kind of man, "Mankind". One liken unto the original, but surely is not the first man on the scene. All Praise is due to Allah for this light.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Tomorrows Signs, Present Today - Part 7


Now that we have a foundation that we can build on, lets put a little light on some other deliberate mis-interpretations or perhaps mis-understandings of scripture. "Deliberate" means to knowingly act with purpose or intent, to mis-inform in order to bring about an intended result. To "mis-understand" means that the true meaning has been missed or not understood. It is the intention of a select group of people on this planet to keep the world, in general, in the dark regarding many truths that have been passed down over time. A number of these involve the interpretation, presentation and teaching of scripture, mainly Bible. This book has been tampered with to the degree that even those who have had unlimited access to read, translate and/or rewrite the book can hardly understand that which has been presented to the public. This leaves it to so-called preachers and teachers of scripture to interpret the book according to their own understanding, which oft-times is way off point. This group of people are none other than the White race. Surprised? Perhaps not. We are aware and have history as to who was one of the main persons to authorize the translation of the book for usage in all churches. However, the mis-information and teachings have caused us to be lost to the proper interpretation, understanding and truths of what has been written or taught. This again, shows the need for one to come and expose us to the truths and falsehoods of the book that we are expected to believe in without question. This is the book (so-called Holy Bible) that has been authorized, prepared and presented. All praise to Allah for the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Now let us examine the story referred to in Genesis 1:26 (Bible) which deals with the making of a man and the establishment of his world. It is taught that Adam and Eve were the first man and the first woman to be made by God. This brings to mind some questions. First, who are the possessors of the "our image and likeness" being referred too? Second, where and when was this making? Third, were they really the first people to be made by God. Next time we dive deeper into the light.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 6

It is easy at this point to answer, Allah, Master Fard Muhammad is the "Sun of Righteousness". He makes all things new (Bible Rev. 21:5). This is true but, the chosen people are not ready nor fit at this point to receive Him, they must be made anew. Allah has raised one from amongst us to prepare us as the Book of Malachi stated. His name is Elijah. Elijah too, is one of the lost-found and God raises him (from amongst us) to show forth His power. He meet him on the farthest horizon as stated in the Holy Qur'an and found him to be worthy of the task of serving as the "Lamb of God". He is raised from us to teach the rest of us. He is the "Son of Righteousness". He is taught day and night the truths of all things by God in Person. He is commissioned and named The Messenger of Allah. His work, as it was said of Jesus, is to give life to the dead, to make the lame walk, the blind see, the deaf hear. To go first to the lost sheep in the "House of Israel" (the black man and woman in America, the so-called Negro) revealing all truths as given to him from Allah (God). He also spreads these truths to black people around the world. We are the first people of God to be raised, for we have been made mentally and spiritually a dead people by our open enemies, White people. They are also Allah's enemies and have been the respited ones until this day of our resurrection. The knowledge that Allah has given to His Messenger awakens us at once and restores us to our own righteous selves. He brings us face to face with God in reality. He teaches us, from God, a true knowledge of self and kind for the first time. Equally important, he gives us, for the first time, a knowledge of the so-called White man, our hidden and unknown enemy. He (the White man) is the real "Devil" in person. These truths are verified with studies in math, science and history. This way there can be no doubt nor error. The only things left are actual facts. "Take it or let it along" so says the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, Messenger of Allah.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 5

Now that we know that Allah, Master Fard Muhammad, God in Person has come and is fulfilling scripture in these last days, let us look at additional verification. Allah is the supreme being. He has come to the lost sheep in the "House of Israel". He has sort to find, and has located, the lost members of the original people of the planet who are non other than the Black man and Black woman here in the Hells of North America. This is a people who fits perfectly all the characteristics of those who were referenced as lost sheep, dead, deaf, dumb and blind, the Lazarus at the rich man's gate, asleep to the world, the walking dead, a man who was born blind, a man who would be among a strange people in a strange land, and many others. There are many verses in scripture that refer to this lost people as well. Read, Mathew 10:6,15:24, 18:10, Luke 15:1, and Jeremiah 50:6 (Bible). You get the picture. It is easy to recognize the people being referred to with the correct information. No other people fits this description. But, is this people fit to receive Almighty God, Allah, in their present condition? Of course not, they must be made anew with healing that is in the wings of he who is the "Sun of Righteousness". This is what is prophesied in the Book of Malachi 4:2 (Bible). Allah is a just God and He gives His chosen people an opportunity to return to self or stay with Israel (the world of white people). Next time, we explore the healing from the "Sun of Righteousness".

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 4

As we continue, understand that the aforementioned titles all really refer to the same Person. "The Comforter" and "The Son of Man" (Bible), and "The Mahdi" (Holy Qu'ran) are all one in the same under different titles. The Comforter is one revealing all truths, The Son of Man is of and from Man and the Mahdi is the self guided one. The titles represent one Person. This "One" is the Supreme God (Allah in Person, today) coming to restore His Kingdom in the last days. We ask, "Are there signs that we should look for as verification of this time of restoration?" The answer is, yes! There are many references to this time and they all revolve around a time referred to as resurrection, separation and judgment. They are easily recognized and understood with the proper interpretation and guidance. This also makes the knowledge of "The Theology of Time" such an intricate part of the knowledge that has been made available today by Allah (God) in Person, Master Fard Muhammad. We will continue to enlighten in the next segment .

Friday, July 31, 2009

Tomorrow Signs, Present Today - Part 3

Before we proceed, let me make this clear, if you are thinking that we are leading to the introduction of The Messenger of Allah, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, as "The Comforter", you are off track. Now let's get to the real. Jesus was a man, he referred to "The Comforter" as "The One" who will reveal all truths and not the "something". This means that "The Comforter" is also a man. Many believe that God, The Supreme Being, is something other than a man. Yet, all references to Him refer to a physical being and not some type of enity. Common sense dictates that if The God was something other a man then we would hath to have some means of identifying Him and some means to verify His authenticity. Be real, regardless of what we are taught, we still use reason and experience to accept what is or has been taught or presented. Well, some do. Let's proceed. "The Comforter", according to Jesus has the knowledge of and reveals all truths. This means that He must have a vast amount of knowledge. Knowledge far beyond that of the the greatest minds on the planet or of any that may exist in the universe. To bring forth all truths, He must be "The Supreme God" for non other than that One would have such knowledge. He has to be a human being, for we find nothing in the universe greater than man, and The Supreme God would hath to be the Greatest Man. Today we reconize and know this one to be Master Fard Muhammad, Allah (God) in Person. Next time we'll given evidence to verify this.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 2

As we continue to examine the story of Jesus, his life and times, we will touch lightly on his mission and how it is that waiting for his return as taught by the Church leads one to miss the truth that is hidden in his story. In scripture, we find that he is a man seen out of due season, meaning he is out of proper time for this work, or not on time. The calendar dates him coming some two thousand (2000) years ago. According to Biblical teachings, a man made in Genesis 1:26 was given six days (6000 years) to rule, this dates back now some six thousand (6000) years. Messenger Muhammad teaches that Jesus was only a sign of one who would come in the last days of the present world. Remember that he gave his life for the truth that he taught and never claimed to be the son of God nor did he state that he would be returning at some later day in time to redeem the world. He didn't die for the sins of the world, nor did he even pray for the world but, only for those that he claimed as his. If you recall, he stated that it was necessary for him to go away that "The Comforter" may come. This, of course was not a reference to himself, but to someone else that would come and reveal all truths. Additionally, from the teachings of Jesus' life and work, he did not reveal all truths but only revealed signs to be interpreted in the works of someone in the future. If one is exposed to the events of the life of Jesus and recognize it as a sign, then one can watch for one, in time, who fits the description and whose works reflect that of Jesus of two thousand (2000) years ago. Briefly we'll look at some of the works that Jesus is credited with: he made the blind see, made the lame walk, the deaf hear, he raise the dead to life. These are a few acts that are attributed to Jesus. If Jesus was a sign of one that is to come in the future, then we must look for one who is or will be doing that same work. The main thing is that the works must be recognized, verified and confirmed. If we examine the time according to the teachings of The Messenger of Allah, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the one referred to as "The Comforter" has come and is on time. Next time we'll look at that one who fits the title of "The Comforter".

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 1

We will take a little time to examine some of those signs in scripture that many are lead to believe are events that are to come or will occur in the future at some point in time. We will not attempt to list or comment on every one that can be found however, if questioned on a particular event, then we can explore that inquiry. Some of the stories found in scripture that we'll also be exploring will include, but are not limited to, the story reference the birth of Jesus, the story of Moses raising the serpent in the wilderness, and of course, and the making of Adam and Eve (Gen.1:26). The illuminations will blow your mind, so don't ask questions if don't want to really know the answers. Now, let's look at some of what many have been taught to look for down the road as an event to come in the future as opposed to an actual event that has already occurred or at present, now occurring. One of these is the return of Jesus who is claimed to be the son of God in flesh. We are acquainted with the story that is told of his birth, life and death, and how he is said to have risen from the dead after three days in the grave, ascended to heaven and then, return to earth at a later date to reclaim his own.
Next time we'll shade some light on this story from the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
You'd better hold on tight.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Theology of Time: Its Link To Scripture.

One might wonder or ask, "Why is it important that a link between time and scripture be established, and why would there be a need to tie the two together?" The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Last Messenger of Allah, teaches us that we are now living in the day of the fulfillment of scripture found in both Bible and Holy Qur-an. This day (time) brings a close to all prophesies that are found in these books. Some that are more frequently spoken of include: the Day of Judgment, the Resurrection of the dead, the return of Jesus, the coming of the Son of Man, the coming of the Mahdi, and others. All relate to this day and time. If one is to know the time, then one must have a way to recognize the signs that point out the events that mark the time. How is it that we are, in fact, living in the last days of the this world's wisdom and there is little or no notice being given to the masses by the leaderships of religions or government, particularly here in the Western Hemisphere? Is there a deliberate attempt to cover up the truth of the time or are the masses meant to be kept in the dark by those who are keepers or hiders of truth? Perhaps those who lead and set policy for both religious teachings and practices as well as those who run governments, not necessarily limited to elected officials, but those who are in the know and aid in the practice of the concealment of information that will or may derail a preplanned course of events for those who are not readily known. In either case, no action by any apposer(s) of the truth coming forth this day can prevent its revelation. The scripture is being fulfilled. As you see, it is important to know the time and the signs. This explains the need for the knowledge contained in the Theology of Time and how it links to scripture. They bear witness to one another. Time is motion and motion chronicles events, and with the proper interpretation and guidance one will not be tricked by events or lost in time.
Next time we'll elaborate on the aforementioned signs and events that have come to pass, but are taught to be future events. Stay tuned as we explore Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

An Introduction To Muhammad's Blog Talk

In The Name of Allah, Master Fard Muhammad and in the name of His Last and Greatest Messenger, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, I greet you, our readers, in the greetings words of peace, As-Salaam-Alaikum.

Many of the topics that will be covered deal with the subject matter from The Messenger on "The Theology Of Time". This subject was his lecture topic during the entire summer of 1972. Prejudge not the subject, it has little to do with the teaching of religion over a long period of time but, is however, as the title implies, The Theology (the study) of Time. This study of time and events covers a period dating from some 76 trillion years ago until this present day. As we cover the many topics that are planned we will go into greater depth on many topics that will be presented. We will also entertain questions from readers. Our responses to questions will reflect the teachings from The Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Any answers, reponses or ideals given from a personal point will be so indicated. We thank you for your time and attention.