Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tomorrow's Signs, Present Today - Part 1

We will take a little time to examine some of those signs in scripture that many are lead to believe are events that are to come or will occur in the future at some point in time. We will not attempt to list or comment on every one that can be found however, if questioned on a particular event, then we can explore that inquiry. Some of the stories found in scripture that we'll also be exploring will include, but are not limited to, the story reference the birth of Jesus, the story of Moses raising the serpent in the wilderness, and of course, and the making of Adam and Eve (Gen.1:26). The illuminations will blow your mind, so don't ask questions if don't want to really know the answers. Now, let's look at some of what many have been taught to look for down the road as an event to come in the future as opposed to an actual event that has already occurred or at present, now occurring. One of these is the return of Jesus who is claimed to be the son of God in flesh. We are acquainted with the story that is told of his birth, life and death, and how he is said to have risen from the dead after three days in the grave, ascended to heaven and then, return to earth at a later date to reclaim his own.
Next time we'll shade some light on this story from the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
You'd better hold on tight.

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